Tuesday 16 August 2016

First Full Reveal of Pennywise From 'It'

Warner Bros. have released the first full look at Bill Skarsgard in full make-up and costume as the ultimate evil clown Pennywise in the 2017 adaptation of the Stephen King novel 'It', and it's absolutely terrifying.

I hate clowns, I'm saying that up front, and whilst the other version of Pennywise, brilliantly brought to life by acting legend Tim Curry, is certainly scary I can't help but feel that this newest version is so much creepier.

Janie Bryan, the Emmy-winning costume designer who developed the design for the film spoke to EW about the reveal.  'The costume definitely incorporates all the otherworldly past lives, if you will.  He is definitely a clown of a different time.

'There's almost a doll like quality to the costume.  The pants being short, the high waistline of the jacket, and the fit of the costume is a very important element.  It gives the character a childlike quality.'

Bryant goes on to say that inspiration was drawn from various historic periods, including Medieval, Renaissance, Elizabethan and Victorian.  The colour were also specially chosen to allow Pennywise to blend into his surroundings more, particularly in dark places.

'The pompoms are orange, and then with the trim around the cuffs and ankles, it's basically a ball fringe that's a combination of orange, red and cinnamon.  It's almost like Pennywise fades into his environment.  But there are accents to pull out the definition of the grey silk.  It makes him almost like a shadow.'

'It' is scheduled for release September 8th 2017.


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